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"Get a jump start on that beach body with fit tummy water! All you need is 1 cucumber 3 lemons and about 20 mint leaves mix it with a gallon of water and enjoy!"
About ten years ago, I chatted with Viktoras Kulvinskas, this raw foodist has been living the raw life for at least four decades. He is a lovely human and he is offering up one of his recipes below. He hosts retreats in Costa Rica as well as in the U.S. throughout the year. Check hiin out on his Facebook page. Viktoras Kulvinskas' Veggie Burger Recipe 6 cups Carrot pulp (from juicing leftovers or from food processor or vitamix) 3 cups Onion (finely chopped) 1/2 head of cauliflower (run through vita mix or similar device) 1/2 head of celery (average sized bunch) finely chopped 6 cups Sunflower seeds ( run through vitamix or similar high powered device until it is powdered. Run 3 cups at a time using the plunger(vitamix),more than that will bog down the blender) soaking seeds is not recommended 1/4 cup of curry powder 1/8 cup of sea salt Mix with hands until well blended roll into balls, flatten into patties Put in dehydrator for a minimum for 4 hours at 150 deg...
The one thing everyone needs to know about cancer...it is mysterious. Not only is every cancer unique in its methods of operation, but it is unique to each human being. It seems the war on scientific, logical, and reasoned approaches to cancer treatment is suspect, but it is only suspect to those who live in fear (one way or another). A diagnosis of cancer is scary, but it can be managed in a logical manner using an integrative approach. The link below is simply a guide to use in order to avoid cancer myths that will not help your hope for a cancer cure. Eat organic, eat those superfoods because they are a good source of nutrition, but don't believe they will cure cancer. Eat well to support your body. Don't believe the hype! http://scienceblog.cancerresearchuk.org/2014/03/24/dont-believe-the-hype-10-persistent-cancer-myths-debunked/
On my last trip to Newport Beach, my husband and I could not believe all the plastic, single-serve cups strewn along the shore. I never liked the idea of single-serve cups to begin with due the waste factor, so one can imagine my utter joy to find Oakland Coffee's 100% compostable cups at the 2017 Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim. The lovely women at the booth gave me a couple of samples, which I tried it at the hotel the following morning...good, strong single-serving of organic coffee. After I finished my coffee, I placed the used coffee grounds compostable cups in a bag, and fed them to my garden when I returned home, literally, the best of both worlds. Now, I just might buyh one of those single-serve coffee machines! https://oaklandcoffee.com/oakland-coffee-works/