Oakland Coffee Brings 100% Compostable Single-Serve Cups to Life

On my last trip to Newport Beach, my husband and I could not believe all the plastic, single-serve cups strewn along the shore. I never liked the idea of single-serve cups to begin with due the waste factor, so one can imagine my utter joy to find Oakland Coffee's 100% compostable cups at the 2017 Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim. The lovely women at the booth gave me a couple of samples, which I tried it at the hotel the following morning...good, strong single-serving of organic coffee. After I finished my coffee, I placed the used coffee grounds compostable cups in a bag, and fed them to my garden when I returned home, literally, the best of both worlds. Now, I just might buyh one of those single-serve coffee machines! https://oaklandcoffee.com/oakland-coffee-works/